Penarth Yacht Club Regatta 2024
The 2024 Penarth Sailing Regatta is on the 29/30th of June 2024
The Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions will be published here in due course.
Racing Schedule
The timing of races at PYC is governed by the tide. Here's the 2023 - 24 Race Schedule which runs from 1st May 2023 to 30th April 2024.
The 2024 - 2025 Schedule is now available.
Sailing at Penarth Yacht Club
We are keen to welcome new members, both beginners and those who have got basic sailing skills and are keen to improve and we particularly would like to welcome sailors who would like to return to sailing.
We offer a series of sailing experience sessions throughout the year for beginners and those with some experience wishing to improve or refresh their skills or just enjoy sailing.
Up to 6 times for non-members and many more for members.
We also strongly recommend RYA (Royal Yachting Association) training – our friends at Cardiff Bay Yacht Club offer this and for PYC members there is a 10% discount.
Sailing at Penarth is centred on racing and whilst PYC has been part of the development of Olympian and class champions it is friendly and welcoming. More detail on racing can be found here.
The tides contribute to the “challenge” and determine both race times and their length. We are keen on class racing and have two core racing fleets.
For singlehanded sailors the Laser with full or radial rigs.Our double-hander is the venerable Enterprise a boat particularly suited to launching and sailing at Penarth.
We do have several non-core boats (for example a Europe and a K1) and we are open to classes that may fit in with our sporting intent.
Here are some videos of sailing at Penarth
There are several club boats including Laser, Enterprise and Quest and we welcome potential members to have a taster session if capable, borrow a boat, or crew with one of our sailors.
Throughout the year racing is scheduled on Sundays and during the summer months there are sessions on Wednesday evenings or Saturdays depending on tide times.
Races tend to last an hour or. Total time afloat tends to be around one and a half hours. Racing is often followed by a sociable post-race gathering in the bar.
We are hoping to establish a new midweek “RATS” series (Retired and Truant (WFH?) sailors) which will be governed by tide/weather and interest.
If you give your contact details to the PYC secretary at secretary@penarthyachtclub.co.uk. One of the sailors will be in touch to discuss opportunities.
See our Sailing Documentation page for Standard Operating Procedures, Risk Assessement, and training material.
Results for completed series can be found here